Sebastiano Scalia MNZAC
Professional & Clinical Supervisor, - Dip Coun; PGDipHealSci (Mental Health); PGCertHealSci (Advanced Psychotherapy Practice - Clinical Supervision); Accredited in Interpersonal Psychotherapy; Focused ACT Practitioner; Analytic Candidate with the Centre for Lacanian Analysis.
I have 20 years experience supporting the development of the individual practitioner - Managers, Clinicians, Trainees - as they navigate the boundaries of their work context. I believe integration of personal and professional boundaries is at the centre of safe and effective practice, and I highly value client work being the focus of Supervision.
My approach values a focus on the 'here and now' which reflects processes outside immediate awareness. The process of understanding work, the development of a space to think freely, and supporting a process of working through, attends to professional and ethical boundaries that are often in tension, overstepped, and sometimes pushed aside in human interactions.
I view Supervision, both professional and clinical, as collegial and structured within mutually agreed expectations, accountabilities and confidentiality. I maintain an ongoing clinical practice and CPD.PSYCHOANALYSIS
I am an Analytic Candidate with the New Zealand Centre for Lacanian Analysis and I welcome enquiries from potential Analysands - those seeking analysis - for preliminary discussion about psychoanalysis with me.
“A psychoanalysis, consists in speaking freely, in not hushing the ideas that go through your head, like we’re doing right now. Little by little, from within your own words, another meaning forms and surprises you, then falls apart, taking the pain with it. Usually, you discover just how conditioned you had been by apparently minute elements encountered in hazardous circumstances: things from childhood, meetings, certain words said to you, and we keep coming back to them until the malevolent charge of these elements softens. Each case is different.” (Jacques-Alain Miller, ‘Response to the Anti-Freudians’, Le Point, 22.09.05.)
I welcome a conversation with you to see if there may be a good fit between us, and to consider your Supervision needs or desire for Psychoanalysis. The Contact button below will link you to my email where we can start a conversation.
- Professional & Clinical Supervisor - Private Practice
- Centre for Lacanian Analysis NZ - Analyst in Training
- Head of School & Clinical Educator - Vision College School of Counselling, Person Centred Degree Programme
- Mental Health Service Manager - Family and Youth Community teams - Stepping Stone Trust
- Counsellor - Private Practice & Workplace Support Services
- Mental Health Clinician - Pegasus Health Primary Care