• Approaches

    The innerwork team draw upon a range of approaches to suit individual, specific needs of clients

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    - Managers and Leaders in Community, Health &      Education related fields

    - Social Workers & trainees

    - Counsellors & trainees

    - Mental Health & Support Workers

    - Nurses

    - Teachers

    - Youth Workers


    At the heart of change is the capacity to reflect upon the experience of ourselves, and ourselves in relation to others. This function is embedded in many Talking Therapies. It informs how Therapists relate to themselves and their clients in the Therapy. Our Therapists have training and experience working with specific Evidence-Based approaches to Therapy that include:

    - Mentalisation Based Therapy MBT

    - Psychoanalysis

    - Interpersonal Psychotherapy IPT

    - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy CBT

    - Psychodynamic Therapy PT

    - Person Centred Therapy PCT

    - Acceptance & Commitment Therapy ACT


    These approaches have been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of difficulties, as well as supporting positive and normal personal development. Some of the common reasons clients come to therapy include:

    - Emotional dysregulation

    - Depressive and Anxiety symptoms

    - Life transitions

    - Relationships, Families & Parenting

    - Workplace pressures

    - Stress response and Trauma

    - Faith and Spirituality

    - Personal Development and Identity

    - Anger, Grief and Loss