Fiona Wells SWRB
Supervisor, Clinical Social Worker , and Trainer SWRB, ANZASW
BSW, Cert. in Supervision.
I'm a Registered Social Worker with significant experience in the mental health field and hold a certificate in supervision (Human Services). My current practise includes both talking therapy with adults, and professional clinical supervision.
Supervising professionals working in social services and health contexts, I highly value facilitating a space to analyse and formulate case material without judgement. I view supervision as a vital and rewarding opportunity to learn and grow in our work, as well as at enhancing professional safety and boundaries.
I work therapeutically with individuals aged 16+ who present with various symptoms and are motivated to explore and understand themselves more deeply.
I utilise Mentalisation Based Treatment and Psychoanalytic approaches to support one's reflective function and emotional regulation.
- Clinical Coordinator for NGO mental health teams
- Community and residential based mental health roles with youth and adults
- MindWise Programme facilitator - Mentalisation Based Treatment (MBT) groups for adults with emotional dysregulation
- Programme oversight and delivery for children and families impacted by parental mental illness
- School-based wellbeing initiative Team Leader
- Implementation of Ministry of Health (2015) 'Supporting Parents, Healthy Children' (SPHC) guidelines across DHB and NGO settings
- Delivering training and presentations to DHB staff, NGO teams, school staff, and parents
- Social Work in Child Trauma service
- Voluntary youth work roles in a faith based context
- Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health trainer